Sunday, October 14, 2007


My friends make me want to be a better mom. What a gift they are these days. Isn't it like us to compare ourselves to everyone else and pick out what we like in others but somehow turn their gifts into our flaws (in our minds anyway). God made us all different with different passions, abilities and gifts. I am beginning to be able to appreciate those differences as my kids and I get older together. One of my friends is a GREAT listener and always calm, she helps me to be able to step out and try to listen to my own kids more, to try to see through their eyes and allow them to grow, learn and be themselves. My other friend is a party, t.v. is minimal in her house and playing, creating and fun are the themes in their home. What a gift to be able to slow down and appreciate your kids while they are young. Another friend is able to balance work, home and mothering! She takes the time to slow down for her daughter and do the little things like read a book, give a bath and snuggle together. I know when mine were that young it was even harder to slow it down and just be with them.

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