Saturday, August 9, 2008


We went to see my best friend in Texas. We did have a great time in spite of the fact that a few hours in my husband broke his ankle requiring surgery!!!! I thought I had made it through the worst - I hate to fly, more honestly, I am TERRIFIED of flying and we flew while a tropical storm was moving it's way in, drove with a hurricane watch in effect and made it through without a slight bump of turbulance or anything!
So, we were at The Dyer house for a few hours and the boys (men included) started to play with the zipline in her backyard.
This is Richard telling Jordan to go already! Jordan had fallen twice already but he just rolled and got back up. He was not interested in trying again.
Catherine and I decided to step out to the store while they were occupied and Richard decided to get up there and show Jordan just how safe and easy this zipline was. As you can see, the result was not what he was looking for:

This is how most of Richard's vacation was spent: Kimba, the kitty was good company to him.

The next 2 pics are a little gross but some people like all of the gory details:

These are the staples just hours before they were removed. The good news is that our Orthopaedic here said that the surgeon in Texas did and EXCELLENT job. Now Richard only has 6 more weeks before he is allowed to try to walk. He will require physical therapy. The upside is that we have a temporary handicap sign for parking. I may require him to run all errands with me and I will cry when we have to give up the sign.
Richard is learning that laying around and watching t.v. isn't all that it's cracked up to be. I think he is ready to go insane from it actually. I have been helping him as much as I can and he has been a great patient.

As far as the rest of Texas time, Caleb participated in a couple of rodeo events and decided he loved it. Now that we are back home he won't admit he loved it so much.

They also did paintball for Caleb's birthday. It was a mere hundred degrees. You have to be tougher than I to go out dressed like that in that kind of heat.

We also were able to spend time at a BEAUTIFUL spot on the Llano River:

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